Monday, May 09, 2005

New Book on the Block

It's been out since Monday, I think, but I've been too busy expressing my sloth genes to mention it here. So yes, here it is, the new Suki collection, this time from the Bombay years. Here's a link to the Penguin India page (in case your mouse is feeling lazy about hopping over to the column on the right): DOUBLE TALK. I hope the link worx! I had a struggle the other day with the BOOK CROSSING link and was too sleepy to attempt to fix it either then or later. I may be suffering from a form of web-allergy because I find I get sleepy almost as soon as I log-in ... *yawn* .. well, as you can see, it's happening again ...


Anonymous said...

I have been following up with your work from Indian Express times. Both cartoons & articles. Glad to see you have a blog.

Please put up an About page. Would be good.

Unknown said...

What's an "About" page? Do you mean, information about moi? It's kind of boring coz of having update the data every so often. But ... *sigh* ... now that you've (? say who, pls?) asked, I'll think about it! Thnx for visiting.